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Re: VSA Install fails whatever we do :(


Oke, last few days again a few tries, still with the same problem, must really missing a detail somewhere.


We could really use some help, starting to get frustrating


the log from VSa manager just before rollback, perhaps it helps? (please>>)


--------log VSAManager


2013-05-29 17:09:27,154 233 [EventUtils] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Posting event to VC: MemberOnlineEvent

2013-05-29 17:09:27,216 74 [EventService] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Event MemberOnlineEvent posted successfully

2013-05-29 17:09:27,216 111 [ClusterEventHandlerImpl] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received Cluster message of type MemberOnlineEvent

2013-05-29 17:09:27,216 235 [Utils] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Retrieve dev.property: com.vmware.sva.manager.security.ssl.factory=null

2013-05-29 17:09:28,230 193 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Closing the JMS listener connection on

2013-05-29 17:09:28,277 193 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Closing the JMS listener connection on

2013-05-29 17:09:28,667 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--50] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:09:33,066 142 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Task] INFO  - TransportListener: transportResumed

2013-05-29 17:09:33,081 158 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///] INFO  - TransportListener: onCommand: WireFormatInfo { version=3, properties={CacheSize=1024, CacheEnabled=true, SizePrefixDisabled=false, MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000, TcpNoDelayEnabled=true, MaxInactivityDuration=30000, TightEncodingEnabled=true, StackTraceEnabled=true}, magic=[A,c,t,i,v,e,M,Q]}

2013-05-29 17:09:33,081 158 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///] INFO  - TransportListener: onCommand: BrokerInfo {commandId = 0, responseRequired = false, brokerId = ID:localhost.localdom-53265-1369840043378-0:0, brokerURL = ssl://localhost.localdom:4334, slaveBroker = false, masterBroker = false, faultTolerantConfiguration = false, networkConnection = false, duplexConnection = false, peerBrokerInfos = [], brokerName = sva1, connectionId = 0, brokerUploadUrl = null, networkProperties = null}

2013-05-29 17:09:33,097 210 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Listening to topic: cluster.topic at URL failover:(ssl://

2013-05-29 17:09:33,097 67 [MessageListenerService] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Initialized Cluster Event listener with

2013-05-29 17:09:33,097 76 [MessageListenerService] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Added default handler with listener @

2013-05-29 17:09:33,097 210 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Listening to topic: node.topic at URL failover:(ssl://

2013-05-29 17:09:33,097 138 [MessageListenerService] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Initialized Node Event listener with

2013-05-29 17:09:33,097 409 [UserSession] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Sending event to UI: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@692dbf7c

2013-05-29 17:09:33,097 77 [ClusterEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received message: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@33c4ea91

2013-05-29 17:09:33,097 233 [EventUtils] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Posting event to VC: CreateStorageClusterTaskProgressEvent

2013-05-29 17:09:33,112 111 [ClusterEventHandlerImpl] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received Cluster message of type CreateStorageClusterTaskProgressEvent

2013-05-29 17:09:33,112 409 [UserSession] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Sending event to UI: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@33c4ea91

2013-05-29 17:09:38,447 158 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///] INFO  - TransportListener: onCommand: MessageDispatch {commandId = 0, responseRequired = false, consumerId = ID:vcenter-server-50502-1369818566332-0:12:1:1, destination = topic://cluster.topic, message = ActiveMQObjectMessage {commandId = 70, responseRequired = true, messageId = ID:localhost.localdom-58949-1369840039786-2:0:14:1:1, originalDestination = null, originalTransactionId = null, producerId = ID:localhost.localdom-58949-1369840039786-2:0:14:1, destination = topic://cluster.topic, transactionId = null, expiration = 0, timestamp = 1369840177814, arrival = 0, brokerInTime = 1369840177815, brokerOutTime = 1369840177815, correlationId = null, replyTo = null, persistent = true, type = null, priority = 4, groupID = null, groupSequence = 0, targetConsumerId = null, compressed = false, userID = null, content = org.apache.activemq.util.ByteSequence@272872a5, marshalledProperties = null, dataStructure = null, redeliveryCounter = 0, size = 0, properties = null, readOnlyProperties = true, readOnlyBody = true, droppable = false}, redeliveryCounter = 0}

2013-05-29 17:09:38,447 77 [ClusterEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received message: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@3221e751

2013-05-29 17:09:38,556 233 [EventUtils] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Posting event to VC: MemberOnlineEvent

2013-05-29 17:09:38,588 74 [EventService] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Event MemberOnlineEvent posted successfully

2013-05-29 17:09:38,588 111 [ClusterEventHandlerImpl] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received Cluster message of type MemberOnlineEvent

2013-05-29 17:09:38,588 235 [Utils] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Retrieve dev.property: com.vmware.sva.manager.security.ssl.factory=null

2013-05-29 17:09:39,336 158 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///] INFO  - TransportListener: onCommand: MessageDispatch {commandId = 0, responseRequired = false, consumerId = ID:vcenter-server-50502-1369818566332-0:12:1:1, destination = topic://cluster.topic, message = ActiveMQObjectMessage {commandId = 75, responseRequired = true, messageId = ID:localhost.localdom-58949-1369840039786-2:0:15:1:1, originalDestination = null, originalTransactionId = null, producerId = ID:localhost.localdom-58949-1369840039786-2:0:15:1, destination = topic://cluster.topic, transactionId = null, expiration = 0, timestamp = 1369840178697, arrival = 0, brokerInTime = 1369840178697, brokerOutTime = 1369840178697, correlationId = null, replyTo = null, persistent = true, type = null, priority = 4, groupID = null, groupSequence = 0, targetConsumerId = null, compressed = false, userID = null, content = org.apache.activemq.util.ByteSequence@133ff5a9, marshalledProperties = null, dataStructure = null, redeliveryCounter = 0, size = 0, properties = null, readOnlyProperties = true, readOnlyBody = true, droppable = false}, redeliveryCounter = 0}

2013-05-29 17:09:39,617 193 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Closing the JMS listener connection on

2013-05-29 17:09:39,617 193 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Closing the JMS listener connection on

2013-05-29 17:09:44,406 142 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Task] INFO  - TransportListener: transportResumed

2013-05-29 17:09:44,421 158 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///] INFO  - TransportListener: onCommand: WireFormatInfo { version=3, properties={CacheSize=1024, CacheEnabled=true, SizePrefixDisabled=false, MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000, TcpNoDelayEnabled=true, MaxInactivityDuration=30000, TightEncodingEnabled=true, StackTraceEnabled=true}, magic=[A,c,t,i,v,e,M,Q]}

2013-05-29 17:09:44,421 158 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///] INFO  - TransportListener: onCommand: BrokerInfo {commandId = 0, responseRequired = false, brokerId = ID:localhost.localdom-55572-1369840041237-0:0, brokerURL = ssl://localhost.localdom:4334, slaveBroker = false, masterBroker = false, faultTolerantConfiguration = false, networkConnection = false, duplexConnection = false, peerBrokerInfos = [], brokerName = sva1, connectionId = 0, brokerUploadUrl = null, networkProperties = null}

2013-05-29 17:09:44,468 210 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Listening to topic: cluster.topic at URL failover:(ssl://

2013-05-29 17:09:44,468 67 [MessageListenerService] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Initialized Cluster Event listener with

2013-05-29 17:09:44,468 76 [MessageListenerService] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Added default handler with listener @

2013-05-29 17:09:44,468 210 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Listening to topic: node.topic at URL failover:(ssl://

2013-05-29 17:09:44,468 138 [MessageListenerService] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Initialized Node Event listener with

2013-05-29 17:09:44,468 409 [UserSession] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Sending event to UI: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@3221e751

2013-05-29 17:09:44,468 77 [ClusterEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received message: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@44480328

2013-05-29 17:09:44,468 233 [EventUtils] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Posting event to VC: CreateStorageClusterTaskProgressEvent

2013-05-29 17:09:44,468 111 [ClusterEventHandlerImpl] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received Cluster message of type CreateStorageClusterTaskProgressEvent

2013-05-29 17:09:44,484 409 [UserSession] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Sending event to UI: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@44480328

2013-05-29 17:09:58,741 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--4] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:10:17,631 1479 [ClusterService] [SanityService-1] INFO  - No Hosts have been added/removed since: 13-05-29 16:45:17

2013-05-29 17:10:28,737 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--4] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:10:58,717 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--4] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:11:28,713 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--4] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:11:58,709 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--50] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:12:28,736 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--21] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:12:58,717 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--21] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:13:28,716 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--21] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:13:58,714 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--21] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:14:27,761 158 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///] INFO  - TransportListener: onCommand: MessageDispatch {commandId = 0, responseRequired = false, consumerId = ID:vcenter-server-50502-1369818566332-0:12:1:1, destination = topic://cluster.topic, message = ActiveMQObjectMessage {commandId = 80, responseRequired = true, messageId = ID:localhost.localdom-58949-1369840039786-2:0:16:1:1, originalDestination = null, originalTransactionId = null, producerId = ID:localhost.localdom-58949-1369840039786-2:0:16:1, destination = topic://cluster.topic, transactionId = null, expiration = 0, timestamp = 1369840467167, arrival = 0, brokerInTime = 1369840467167, brokerOutTime = 1369840467167, correlationId = null, replyTo = null, persistent = true, type = null, priority = 4, groupID = null, groupSequence = 0, targetConsumerId = null, compressed = false, userID = null, content = org.apache.activemq.util.ByteSequence@5f00a3fb, marshalledProperties = null, dataStructure = null, redeliveryCounter = 0, size = 0, properties = null, readOnlyProperties = true, readOnlyBody = true, droppable = false}, redeliveryCounter = 0}

2013-05-29 17:14:27,777 77 [ClusterEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received message: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@230de477

2013-05-29 17:14:27,777 158 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///] INFO  - TransportListener: onCommand: MessageDispatch {commandId = 0, responseRequired = false, consumerId = ID:vcenter-server-50502-1369818566332-0:12:1:1, destination = topic://cluster.topic, message = ActiveMQObjectMessage {commandId = 85, responseRequired = true, messageId = ID:localhost.localdom-58949-1369840039786-2:0:17:1:1, originalDestination = null, originalTransactionId = null, producerId = ID:localhost.localdom-58949-1369840039786-2:0:17:1, destination = topic://cluster.topic, transactionId = null, expiration = 0, timestamp = 1369840467202, arrival = 0, brokerInTime = 1369840467202, brokerOutTime = 1369840467202, correlationId = null, replyTo = null, persistent = true, type = null, priority = 4, groupID = null, groupSequence = 0, targetConsumerId = null, compressed = false, userID = null, content = org.apache.activemq.util.ByteSequence@17d4556b, marshalledProperties = null, dataStructure = null, redeliveryCounter = 0, size = 0, properties = null, readOnlyProperties = true, readOnlyBody = true, droppable = false}, redeliveryCounter = 0}

2013-05-29 17:14:27,824 158 [BaseEventListener] [ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///] INFO  - TransportListener: onCommand: MessageDispatch {commandId = 0, responseRequired = false, consumerId = ID:vcenter-server-50502-1369818566332-0:12:1:1, destination = topic://cluster.topic, message = ActiveMQObjectMessage {commandId = 90, responseRequired = true, messageId = ID:localhost.localdom-58949-1369840039786-2:0:18:1:1, originalDestination = null, originalTransactionId = null, producerId = ID:localhost.localdom-58949-1369840039786-2:0:18:1, destination = topic://cluster.topic, transactionId = null, expiration = 0, timestamp = 1369840467246, arrival = 0, brokerInTime = 1369840467246, brokerOutTime = 1369840467246, correlationId = null, replyTo = null, persistent = true, type = null, priority = 4, groupID = null, groupSequence = 0, targetConsumerId = null, compressed = false, userID = null, content = org.apache.activemq.util.ByteSequence@24d31460, marshalledProperties = null, dataStructure = null, redeliveryCounter = 0, size = 0, properties = null, readOnlyProperties = true, readOnlyBody = true, droppable = false}, redeliveryCounter = 0}

2013-05-29 17:14:27,839 233 [EventUtils] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Posting event to VC: StorageEntityCreatedEvent

2013-05-29 17:14:27,870 74 [EventService] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Event StorageEntityCreatedEvent posted successfully

2013-05-29 17:14:27,870 111 [ClusterEventHandlerImpl] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received Cluster message of type StorageEntityCreatedEvent

2013-05-29 17:14:27,870 409 [UserSession] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Sending event to UI: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@230de477

2013-05-29 17:14:27,870 77 [ClusterEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received message: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@691d04b

2013-05-29 17:14:27,964 1693 [VCUtils] [ActiveMQ Session Task] ERROR - Host does not contain a matched NFS datastore.

2013-05-29 17:14:27,964 233 [EventUtils] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Posting event to VC: StorageEntityOnlineEvent

2013-05-29 17:14:27,980 74 [EventService] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Event StorageEntityOnlineEvent posted successfully

2013-05-29 17:14:27,995 111 [ClusterEventHandlerImpl] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received Cluster message of type StorageEntityOnlineEvent

2013-05-29 17:14:27,995 409 [UserSession] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Sending event to UI: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@691d04b

2013-05-29 17:14:27,995 77 [ClusterEventListener] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received message: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@14f4cda6

2013-05-29 17:14:27,995 233 [EventUtils] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Posting event to VC: CreateStorageClusterTaskProgressEvent

2013-05-29 17:14:27,995 111 [ClusterEventHandlerImpl] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Received Cluster message of type CreateStorageClusterTaskProgressEvent

2013-05-29 17:14:27,995 409 [UserSession] [ActiveMQ Session Task] INFO  - Sending event to UI: com.vmware.sva.messaging.messages.BaseMessage@14f4cda6

2013-05-29 17:14:28,760 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--4] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:14:58,711 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--21] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:15:17,696 1479 [ClusterService] [SanityService-1] INFO  - No Hosts have been added/removed since: 13-05-29 16:45:17

2013-05-29 17:15:28,710 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--21] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:15:58,724 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--21] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:16:28,722 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--21] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:16:58,752 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--26] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:17:28,719 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--26] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:17:58,718 126 [SVAManager] [tomcat-http--26] INFO  - VSA Manager dummyPing invoked.

2013-05-29 17:18:21,650 106 [VSAEventForwarder] [pool-60-thread-1] INFO  - Removed listener CreateStorageCluster-datacenter-2 for class com.vmware.sva.messaging.ws.model.mgmtevents.CreateStorageClusterTaskCompletedEvent

2013-05-29 17:18:21,650 106 [VSAEventForwarder] [pool-60-thread-1] INFO  - Removed listener CreateStorageCluster-datacenter-2 for class com.vmware.sva.messaging.ws.model.mgmtevents.CreateStorageClusterTaskFailedEvent

2013-05-29 17:18:21,650 89 [DefaultTaskRunner] [pool-60-thread-1] INFO  - Notifying listeners of task exception. TaskID:CreateCluster

2013-05-29 17:18:21,650 80 [DefaultJobRunner] [pool-60-thread-1] ERROR - Exception caught. Starting rollback for job if rollback support . JobName:ClusterCreation-datacenter-2

com.vmware.sva.manager.jobservices.JobErrorException: Creating cluster for datacenter: datacenter-2 timed out.

  at com.vmware.sva.manager.jobservices.tasks.TaskCreateCluster.execute(TaskCreateCluster.java:115)

  at com.vmware.sva.manager.jobservices.impl.DefaultTaskRunner.handleTaskStart(DefaultTaskRunner.java:70)

  at com.vmware.sva.manager.jobservices.impl.DefaultTaskRunner.call(DefaultTaskRunner.java:33)

  at com.vmware.sva.manager.jobservices.impl.SyncTaskGroup.execute(SyncTaskGroup.java:46)

  at com.vmware.sva.manager.jobservices.impl.DefaultJobRunner.run(DefaultJobRunner.java:60)

  at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)

  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)

  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)

  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)

  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)

  at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

2013-05-29 17:18:21,650 109 [DefaultJobRunner] [pool-60-thread-1] INFO  - Rollback started for job. JobName:ClusterCreation-datacenter-2

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