I have some questions regarding datastores and the location of the VMs.
The new environment gives us the possibleity to just put the whole VM in one datastore and still get the performance because of the autotiering of the 1 gb chunks.
But what is your experiance with location of your VM's, and maybe in combination of EMC VPLEX
And what about the I/O limit for each Datastore.
Our previousenvironment:
WehadEMCDMX2where eachdatastorewas assigneda set ofdisks,for example,4x10SAS
-For bestperformancewe placed the disks for theOS anddataon different datastores to getthe best I/Oaspossible.
We haveVPLEXandVNXon bothsites, where we have configured one big diskpool and installed autotiering of 1gb chunks.
We have over 1000servers, andwe hopethat others havesome experiencewith performanceand howthe divisionis.
We havemany serverswith onlyonedisk andmany serverswith 3-4disks.