OK great to know. Is there anything else in my environment that I need to watch out for other than this potential hangup in umounting LUNs during an SRM failover? Is there an offical VMware "SIOC readiness checklist" or an unoffical webpage someone knows of that I can use to search out all the possible caveats before I enable it in my environment? I just want to know what all the impacts are of this decision such as you pointed out with the impact on SRM failover, before we implement it. We are using NetApp NFS and EMC Fibre Channel with FAST, all with SRM. Some ESXi clusters have SDRS Automation Enabled:
As for cluster with SDRS Automation settings:
Set to Fully automated
SDRS Runtime Rules:
NetApp: I/O Metric is enabled
EMC FAST: I/O Metric is disabled
Any other impacts I need to consider?