Hello everybody,
We have a strange problem since we migrated some hosts in ESX 5.5...
On our cluster, 14 hosts are in 5.5 and 2 are still in 5.1 (we stopped the migration when we stumbled on this problem... Here it is :
Our biggests vm (> 500 Gb provisionned) are reporting incorrect "Used Storage" (and "Not-Shared Storage btw). These vms are in thin provisionning.
The datastores they are located in are all in VMFS 5.54 (this problem is on all our datastores, not just only one)
If we perform a vmotion to an ESX 5.1 host, this problem disappear, but it's back with a vmotion back to 5.5...
Our storage is provided by 2 datacore hosts, San-Symphony V 9.0 PSP3.
I attached 2 screenshots showing my problem...
anybody here already experienced this problem ?
Thanks, and best wishes to you all,