actually scenario like this might be fairly common (100% read slower than mixed seq read/write)
and actually it might be correct numbers for his current config.
i have seen simillar behaviour before
last time i have seen this was VM residing on SAN and fast storage behind it.
reason for this behaviour - as VM/ ESXi host/SAN was configured - test used only 1 port for 100% sequential read (no MPIO etc), and due to high number of spindles on SAN storage the cap was the 1x 8gbit FC port bandwith and not the storage itself.
In that test read/write scenario was able to use 2nd port as well and resulted in higher bandwith.
looks to me as this might be simillar case :
- 1gbit maxing for 100% seq read (125mb/s? - looks like too good to be true number for single 1gig link)
- more throughput delivered via both ports during read/write seq access (188mb/s?)