Having trouble getting VMware to actually use the second nic on my LeftHand P4300. I can find loads of documentation on how to configure VMware for MPIO with LeftHand but they never talk about the LeftHand, they spend the entire doc talking about VMware configs. I can get the LeftHand to see VMware, but whatever reason it doesn't want to talk to the second nic on the storage. I have MPIO working just fine on my Equallogic.
On the Left Hand side I've tried LACP (802.3ad), ALB and just straight two nics with separate IPs.
I have a virtual ip address configured and that's what I point VMware at, but every time the VMware ISCSI initiators only connect to the 1st nic on the P4300.
With my working equallogic, i point it at the virtual IP and the VMware ISCSI initiators make a connection to nic 1 and nic 2. For the life of me i can't figure out how to get VMware to do the same thing on the Lefthand.
anyone have experience with this?