ESXI 5.5 VCenter 5.5 u1
Converted our pRDM's to vRDM's to prepare for the conversion to VMDK's. Now there are two choices I see.
1. Create some new drives and mirror the vRDM's and then remove the vRDM's - pretty simple in Windows but these are Linux so I have to break out the LVM book :-)
2. Use the data migration and do a live migration to Thin Disk VMDK's. These are 32 TB drives and only about 5TB is really being used. Hence I am trying to get these out of their current state.
So how long would a conversion take using the live data migration of the 32 TB disk? Hours days months ....
Can users go about their business without to much of a performance hit?
My understanding is that with the conversion to Thin Disk that only the pointer files will move and the data will actually stay in place.. true?