2 hosts: Dell PowerEdge 720xd running vsphere 5.5 update 1
10 disks per host. 10k RPM 1.2 TB 2.5inch
One HP VSA per host, 2 vCPU and 8 GB memory per VSA.
All the latest updates for VSA. Almost all the latest vmware updates (they keep releasing more after my update cycle)
my disk latency for a VM (when producing a significant storage load) is very bad. My HP storeVirtual hardware under similar load functions just fine. seems to be something related to VSA + VMware. the vmhba0 (dell perc card) seems to perform fine.
the kavg seems high. this article says kavg is when the vmkernel (VMware) is processing a command.
VMware KB: Using esxtop to identify storage performance issues for ESX / ESXi (multiple versions) http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1008205
Thoughts on what I may have configured wrong or how I should proceed with troubleshooting?
Also, if I use IO meter and test with high IOPS but small writes. everything performs good. If I choose large writes (4 mb) everything performs like crap.