Hello all,
I'm trying to figure out if NPIV is possible with nested esxi.
reason why, I am setting up 2 * SRM nested Labs, the file side was possible and I have this fully up & running [fully nested environment]
for the block side, it a little more complicated.
I'm using 2 * VNX arrays with Mirrorvirew - SRM is working on a normal physical installation.
so to achieve a Nested SRM setup for block storage, I'm using RDM's attached to the esxi vm's
I have all my zoning & storage groups setup correct, and I have enabled NPIV on the esxi vm's
the initiators for the esxi vm's [NPIV node+port] are created on array side and added to the physical host stat the esxi vm is running on.
I'm not seeing the new initiators logging into the array as I would expect, but despite all of this, I'm wondering if this is a waste of time as I'm not sure it it will be possible?
as the esxi vm has no "hba's" I don't think this will work for SRM, here is what the replicated lun looks lie form the esxi vm:
Runtime Name: vmhba1:C0:T1:L0
Device: naa.600601609da02e00d0306577c2d9e311
Device Display Name: Local DGC Disk (naa.600601609da02e00d0306577c2d9e311)
Adapter: vmhba1 Channel: 0 Target: 1 LUN: 0
Adapter Identifier: pscsi.vmhba1
Target Identifier: pscsi.0:1
Plugin: NMP
State: active
Transport: parallel
any ideas?