My question is slightly similar but more to do with Storage VMotion.
I am currently in the process of migrating to a new NetAPP storage device. We currently use a Fibre connected Hitachi AMS storage.
Most of our VMs are VMDK however we have 2 servers which have Physical RDM connected. I would like some advice on how best I could migrate these VMs with the least amount of downtime.
is anyone able to advise? I have done some research on this and believe that in a Physical RDM scenario if I was to power off these affected VMs and change the flag from Physical to virtual and then SVMotion them, I can then on the fly convert them to a VMDK? is that correct?
Another method would be to create a clone of the VM and then the clone can be utilized with VMDKs, once the migration is complete then I could delete the RDM version, but this sounds like a lot more work will be involved.
I found this blog which explains: http://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2012/02/migrating-rdms-and-a-question-for-rdm-users.html
My question what method would be the easiest and less downtime way as possible? Would it be what I have stated above? are there any other caveats I need to be aware of? I though I would mention as this is the first time I am doing work with RDMs so want to make sure I have all the information possible before attempting the work.
Many Thanks