A strange observation during VAAI clone:
1. Two ubuntu vms (vm_src1, vm_src2) were created on the same nfs datastore.
2. One additional disk attached to those vm in two different way:
i. vm_src1 power down and attach the addition disk (vm_src1-flat.vmdk) from edit setting. After attaching the disk power on the vm
ii. vm_src2 added the extra disk (vm_src2-flat.vmdk) during power on state. After adding rebooted the vm.
3. Filled 99% of the space of the additional disk on both vm.
4. power off both vms and initiate cloning.
5. Clone is successful and cloned vm powered on.
6. On comparing the checksum between source and cloned vm's disk found that:
vm_src1-flat.vmdk : checksum is same for parent and cloned vm
vm_src2-flat.vmdk : checksum varies
Not sure what is causing this variation? Need a pointer to do further investigation.