For a school assignment I have to test the speeds of SMB 2.1 and 3.0, and also of iSCSI.
I have a server machine with Windows 2012 and Windows 2008 R2 using different hard disks.
My client is a Windows 8 machine.
When I try to test the speed of the network drive I've made on the client, I get similiar results from SMB 2.1 and 3.0.
My own tests claim that SMB 2.1 is even faster than 3.0.
Since I don't believe that these results are accurate, I want to keep digging until I see a bigger difference.
There are a few things which I've tried, but they all came up with the same results:
- Set jumbo frames to 9 KB.
- Direct connect using a cross-cable.
- Manually setting the network speed to 1000 mbit/s full duplex.
- Setting transmit and receive buffers to the maximum amount on all NICs.
- Teaming up 2 identical NICs in Windows 2012 (+ adding a gigabit switch, which means the jumbo frames won't work anymore since the switch doesn't support it.).
Is there anything else I could do to see bigger differences in the results?
Thanks in advance for your help.