I'm finally starting to cautiously use Thin Provisioned Disks.
1 - Let's say I created a VM with a Thick Provisioned Lazy Zero Hard disk. It's been running for some time now (data being written) but it's far from full. Now I turn it off, and migrate the storage selecting Thin provisioned. All is good and now I have a Thin provisioned Hard disk. QUESTION - Does vSphere actually "Thin down" the free space on the Hard disk? It was Thick initially and all the space was set aside from the start (Lazy Zero). I don't get it.
2 - VM with two Hard disks. One has the OS and is Thick Provisioned. The other will be hosting apps/data and is Thin provisioned. To me is sounds like a great idea! The server won't ever stop, just run out of space on the app/data side. Plus the Datastore won't get messed up (causing other VMs to go down). Again I'm not clear on the final result here. Does this approach make sense?
I understand all the pros, cons and resulting responsibility with regards to a VM built with Thin Provisioned Hard disks from the get go, but not the above.
Thank you very much for any information given.