I caught a thread several days ago but I want to start a new one. What is the safest way to delete a datastore? Poster said he deletes the lun from VCenter. A responder to the post explained how VMware and Cormac advise unmount and detach, and then they did not say but the lun would then be deleted on the array side. Is one way preferable over the other? Does VMware recommend unmount and detach because deleting the lun has too much IO to the array? Maybe it has to zero out the blocks?
I have 12 luns I need to shrink, but I obviously can not. I need to re-create them. I to then am curious about the best way for me to remove them from hosts. Delete vmfs, or unmount/detach. After each of those, both of course would need to have the array remove the hosts access to this lun/device.