I have many Luns which need to have space reclaimed, and the UNMAP does not seem to work due to how the Dell Compellents work. And I really don't want to go through deleting and recreating over 50+ Datastores.
Anyone else with a Dell Compellent that has run the UNMAP command? Since the Active Data goes down to a read-only Replay at least once a day, the UNMAP doesnt seem to be able to zero out those blocks. They just keep getting carried over to the next Replay. The only way I possible know how to run the UNMAP successfully with a Dell Compellent, would be to get rid of all the Replays, which would move all your data to the Active Replay and also take much more space as it would move to Raid-10. I feel I am kind of stuck, and the only way to reclaim would be to delete the Compellent Volumes, and re-create.