At this point, I have concluded the following: 1) Good shared storage is very expensive compared to good local storage. 2) Good shared storage is much more prone to complex failures than local storage. Because live storage migration exists, I am thinking that I am going to dump shared storage in order to decrease complexity, increase uptime and *performance*. I added emphasis to that last one because my anecdotal experimentation hasn't been good to this end: my MegaRAID cards that perform very well under regular linux perform like absolute garbage under ESXi 5.x. Can someone help me here? Is there a good RAID card that can enable local datastore performance within ESXi? Are the LSI cards cursed? Do I need to sacrifice a goat or do some sort of song and dance for the EMC gods? Because of the HUGE pricing overhead on shared storage, I plan on running all SSD (the new Samsung 850s will do 150TBW, which is great for my purposes) for the local datastore. Any guidance would be appreciated.