I’m building my first datacenter soon. Two UCS servers and a EMC VNXe 3200 SAN. The SAN will have 6x 900gb 10k drives. I’m looking for some input on raid level and carving the store.
For my server VMs I need two DCs to handle about 40 users. We do not use coming profiles. I need a file server to store reports, documents and paperless document center. My existing file server is using about 400gb. Our primary application is a web app built on a LAMP stack. It is using about 200gb right now. We also plan on using Veeam for backup. My total used space right now is around 650gb. For VMs I believe I need:
Printe Server
File Server
How would you carve up the LUNs? One big file system? dedicated data stores? A mix? I have read a bunch of stuff and its all over the place.
Anything special I should do for the LAMP server? Beak up the partitions onto different vmdk? Like /var on its own disk like I would do on a physical box?
How much space for a simple DC that is just doing auth and DHCP/DNS/WINS stuff?
I’m also thinking that the LAMP server and the BDC will go on one host and the rest will go on the other.
Thanks for any insight