I dont think my IO needs will be that high on the file server. It stores a paperless document center that one individual is typically working with. It amounts to scanning pdfs to a share and then indexing them with a ms sql app. The other files are reports that get generated from the LAMP app and a bunch of clutter.
The LAMP box concerns me a little. My core DB is about 1.5gb. As I said there are 40 or so users on the system all day. Most of the read/writes are small query.
I flip flopped a lot on the Veeam server. I was leaning towards a stand alone solution. Your not the first person in the last couple days to push this idea. I can recycle a box after the project has moved forward enough to free up resources. At that point I could change over from a VM solution to a stand alone. Can a new Veeam install claim an existing repo on a iSCSI target? What about the Veeam license? Will I jsut be able to move it over with no problem?