I have 2 vCenter server\sites, a 5.0 production site and 5.5 test (soon to be production) site. Each site is at a different location on a different network but should have full access to each other. There is a firewall between the 2 sites. Each site also has its own HP iSCSI storage that it uses.
5.0 site
Host IPs – 10.1.17.x
Storage IPs – 10.1.19.x
5.5 site
Host IPs 10.1.43.x
Storage IPs – 10.1.45.x
I created volumes on the storage on each site and tried to add that storage\volume to the other site but it doesn’t see it. I added the storage IPs to the iSCSI initiator dynamic tab and they show up in the static tab. I can ping and traceroute between the hosts and storage at each site successfully. I also made sure the hosts were allowed to see the volumes on the storage itself and the hosts can see the new storage at their own location just fine.
I also have a host at a third location and it’s part of the 5.5 vCenter and there is a firewall there too. I can add storage from the 5.5 location to it fine but not from the 5.0 location. I don't know if this matters but the 5.5 site also shares its storage and datastores with another 5.0 production vCenter and hosts at the same location... not to make things confusing