I'm trying to add a lun (3par Storage) in raw device mapping and I get the following error
012-12-27T15:15:00.071Z cpu1:26842)<3>lpfc820 0000:04:00.3: 1:(1):1825 Vport Created.
2012-12-27T15:15:00.375Z cpu1:26842)WARNING: ScsiNpiv: 1348: Created vport for world 26843, vmhba3, rv 0
2012-12-27T15:15:00.377Z cpu0:26842)ScsiNpiv: 1149: NPIV vport rescan complete, [0:22] (0x4100120ea0c0) [0x410030c07bc0] status=0xbad0003
2012-12-27T15:15:00.377Z cpu0:26842)WARNING: ScsiNpiv: 1806: Failed to Create vport for world 26843, vmhba3, rescan failed, status=bad0001
2012-12-27T15:15:00.377Z cpu0:26842)LinScsiLLD: scsi_remove_host:875: Removed Host Adapter vmhba44
2012-12-27T15:15:00.465Z cpu0:26842)<3>lpfc820 0000:04:00.3: 1:(1):1828 Vport Deleted.
2012-12-27T15:15:00.465Z cpu0:26842)ScsiNpiv: 1867: Vport Create status for world:26843 num_wwpn=1, num_vports=0, paths=2, errors=2
2012-12-27T15:15:00.465Z cpu0:26842)VSCSI: 3775: handle 8197(vscsi2:0):Creating Virtual Device for world 26843 (FSS handle 89964)
2012-12-27T15:15:00.510Z cpu22:16973)ScsiAdapter: 2243: Unregistering adapter vmhba44
2012-12-27T15:15:00.510Z cpu22:16973)DMA: 654: DMA Engine 'vmhba44' destroyed.
2012-12-27T15:15:00.856Z cpu51:26843)VMMVMKCall: 208: Received INIT from world 26843
2012-12-27T15:15:00.867Z cpu0:26843)PVSCSI: 3070: scsi0: wdt=1 intrCoalescingMode=2 flags=0xf
2012-12-27T15:15:00.867Z cpu0:26843)PVSCSI: 3070: scsi1: wdt=1 intrCoalescingMode=2 flags=0xf
2012-12-27T15:15:00.868Z cpu0:26843)PVSCSI: 3070: scsi2: wdt=1 intrCoalescingMode=2 flags=0xf
2012-12-27T15:15:00.869Z cpu0:26851)WARNING: Uplink: 3075: releasing cap 0x0!
2012-12-27T15:15:00.869Z cpu0:26851)WARNING: Uplink: 3075: releasing cap 0x0!
2012-12-27T15:15:00.869Z cpu0:26851)WARNING: Uplink: 3075: releasing cap 0x0!
2012-12-27T15:15:00.869Z cpu0:26851)WARNING: Uplink: 3075: releasing cap 0x0!
2012-12-27T15:15:00.869Z cpu0:26851)Net: 1858: connected edppbe01.eth1 eth1 to vDS, portID 0x500000b
2012-12-27T15:15:00.869Z cpu0:26851)Net: 2260: associated dvPort 2576 with portID 0x500000b
2012-12-27T15:15:00.870Z cpu0:26851)Net: 1858: connected edppbe01.eth0 eth0 to vDS, portID 0x400000c
2012-12-27T15:15:00.870Z cpu0:26851)Net: 2260: associated dvPort 37 with portID 0x400000c
2012-12-27T15:15:00.945Z cpu0:26845)VMMVMKCall: 208: Received INIT from world 26845
2012-12-27T15:15:01.022Z cpu32:17531)Config: 347: "SIOControlFlag2" = 0, Old Value: 1, (Status: 0x0)
2012-12-27T15:15:03.422Z cpu1:26843)PVSCSI: 2390: Failed to issue sync i/o : Busy (btstat=0x0 sdstat=0x8)
2012-12-27T15:15:14.726Z cpu4:17151)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:2319: Cmd 0x1a (0x4124400fdac0, 26843) to dev "naa.50002ac000531118" on path "vmhba3:C0:T0:L22" Failed: H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x5 0x24 0x0. Act:NONE
2012-12-27T15:15:14.726Z cpu4:17151)ScsiDeviceIO: 2316: Cmd(0x4124400fdac0) 0x1a, CmdSN 0xfffffa800d2b6fa0 from world 26843 to dev "naa.50002ac000531118" failed H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x5 0x24 0x0.
2012-12-27T15:15:14.807Z cpu6:16390)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:2319: Cmd 0x1a (0x4124400e8d80, 26843) to dev "naa.50002ac000521118" on path "vmhba3:C0:T0:L21" Failed: H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x5 0x24 0x0. Act:NONE
2012-12-27T15:15:14.807Z cpu6:16390)ScsiDeviceIO: 2316: Cmd(0x4124400e8d80) 0x1a, CmdSN 0xfffffa800d2b6fa0 from world 26843 to dev "naa.50002ac000521118" failed H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x5 0x24 0x0.
someone can help me ?