This is probably a really basic question, but I am new to this aspect of esxi, and cannot seem to find an answer.
I am setting up a server (poweredge r515) running esxi 5.1 (free license). I access it using the vsphere client, and do not have vcenter.
To configure the hardware (e.g., set up raid), I installed "dell openmanage offline bundle and vib for esxi" on the esxi host. I use dell openmanage server administrator managed node to connect.
Initially, this all works great. However, after some time (maybe a day), I see a message (attached) that openmanage login has failed because "Lockdown mode is enabled in the managed node." I have never changed the Lockdown mode settings and they are disabled on the esxi web ui. Also, in vsphere client, under Configuration > Security Profile no options appear concerning Lockdown mode.
If I reboot, I am once again able to connect with openmanage, but get the same login error after a day or so.
I must be missing something basic here. Any ideas? Thanks much!