I was running out of space on one of my datastores so i descided to move one of my VMs to a different one.
I have ESXi v5.1 with Essentials plus so i don't have Storage vMotion so i shut down the VM and then Migrated Datastore to the new space.
Everything ticked along (quite slow) and eventualy finished without error.
I then restarted the VM, also without error.
Now when i go to Inverntory, Datastores and look in the new location i can see the server with all the expected numbers.
But, if i look at the OLD location i can still see the server listed. also the Used space numbers look odd.
If i shutdown the VM them both locations stop.
I have moved 3 other servers in the same way, 2 worked without issue, 1 produced the same result.
I have refreshed the datastore view without change.
Any ideas what i may have done wrong or what i can do to fix it?
Thanks for your time