The VSC plugin from NetApp allows the offsetting of LUNS....
At NetApp, we've developed a way to alleviate alignment problems without having to take virtual machines offline. Optimization and Migration lets you quickly identify misaligned VMs and mitigate the effects. Essentially, what VSC does is take the approach that "two wrongs make a right." We've found a way to "lie" to VMware, telling it that misaligned virtual machines are aligned. Then we address the misalignment on back-end storage, so there is no longer any impact on the network or the ESXi host.
To achieve this, VSC first does a scan operation to identify misaligned virtual machines. For each misaligned VM, all you have to do is migrate it to a "functionally aligned" datastore, which is a LUN with a specialized offset. If you've already performed the procedure in the past, a functionally aligned datastore will already exist. If not, the wizard lets you create one. When you complete the scan, VSC triggers a Storage vMotion® action into the functionally aligned datastore, which doesn't disrupt the running virtual machine.
If you've got many misaligned virtual machines, VSC lets you perform these processes in bulk so you don't have to move each virtual machine one at a time. Right now the process only works for VMFS datastores, but NFS support is coming. Note that you should never move an aligned VM into a functionally aligned datastore; if you do, it will become misaligned.