Extra HDDVsphere 5.1
Hey guysi am using Vsphere 5.1 on my test server Dell 790 with 12GB memory and hard disk 250 GBi've Added the second HDD to the Server but Vsphere didn't detect it yet, can someone advise how to mount...
View ArticleRe: Extra HDDVsphere 5.1
Can you confirm the new HDD is detected by the host's BIOS and/or HDD controller? What type of controller do you use and what's the size of the additional HDD? André
View ArticleRecommended storage design
Hello, I was wondering what people recommend for a storage design for larger file servers. I have the need to setup a few servers in the range of 3-4 TB each. My current setup is just a local 2TB...
View Articlewhat is vStorage API???
Dear team, i want to know what is vstorage api? to used the same do i need to install any software on esx or on storage?? how to use vstorage api / data protection with vDR? in my environment we have...
View ArticleRe: what is vStorage API???
Check out this link: http://www.vmware.com/products/datacenter-virtualization/vsphere/storage-api.html Regards,Mario
View ArticleRe: what is vStorage API???
If you are looking for information on the vSphere APIs for Array Integration (VAAI), there is a white paper here - http://www.vmware.com/resources/techresources/10337
View ArticleRe: Recommended storage design
If its just CIFS/NFS shares I would put dedicated appliance like VNXe to host all shares.
View ArticleRe: iscsi mulipathing (vmknic status not used)
Yeah, I do have a single vSwitch with two vmkernel port groups created with the active/unused configuration
View ArticleRe: Recommended storage design
If you have shared storage, then the RDM approach is an option. You can present 3-4TB LUNs/volumes to the ESXi host and then add them to the VM as a physical mode RDM. This approach will allow you to...
View ArticleDatastore Naming Convention
Does anyone have a good set of recommendations for a datastore naming convention?
View ArticleRe: Datastore Naming Convention
I tend to use something like this: <TYPE> - <TIER> - <UNIQUE ID> - <Replicated> Examples:DAS-T3-VOL01 = Direct attached, Tier 3, Vol 1EQL-T1-VOL01-R = EqualLogic SAN, Tier 1,...
View ArticleRe: vSphere migration from 1Gb NFS to 10Gb NFS
Hi Shane, We ended up with a combination of Storage VMotions or unregister/re-register for our VMs, depending on whether we could get a maintenance window for them or not. It is going back in time a...
View ArticleRe: Extra HDDVsphere 5.1
thank you,i managed to mount the HDD and it become availble now,i am on normal computer ( Dell Optiplex 790, with 12GB memory) for test purpose virtualisation for my company,i was wondering if it...
View Articlepossible disk perf - how to diagnose?
So on a 4.1 (will upgrade this spring) cluster, there are 2 systems that are having issues: things like time-outs when trying to post updates to the ERP system, and in another case when trying to add...
View ArticleRe: possible disk perf - how to diagnose?
Look at the performance charts for each VM's virtual disk. Specific the 'device command latency' value. Anything over 10-15 is a problem.
View ArticleISCSI Multipathing (Active/Last Active)???HUH
Spent three hours on the phone with VMware and wasnt given any insight into why both paths done show active: The backend array is an EMC VNXE 3150, Array ports:Example of one of the LUNS:Running...
View ArticleDatacenter bridging protocol, how to use it?
So I've been doing a good bit of reading on Datacenter Bridging protocol, it seems that it's a natural extention of the Ethernet protocol. I'm not much of a network guy but I'm trying to drive maximum...
View ArticleRe: possible disk perf - how to diagnose?
I do not see that value in chart options. The closest is "highest disk latency" which shows all 0 - so I doubt it's working?
View ArticleRe: possible disk perf - how to diagnose?
so OK I was looking at "disk" not "virtual disk" - not sure what the difference would be from a guest perspective? Anyway ... virtual disk does have "read and write latency" values. None of the values...
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