Re: NFS share getting a (1) appended when adding to a new host in existing...
finally found the problem, mounting the datastore I was using /Datashare I needed to use FDQN.DOMAIN.COM /Datashare The caps in the FQDN made the variance in the symbolic name that...
View ArticleRe: NFS share getting a (1) appended when adding to a new host in existing...
huh - can you explain just a bit more? I've a site where this has happened, and we just have not had time to deal with it. My questions/clarifications: 1)so are you saying, that when you create the NFS...
View ArticleRe: NFS share getting a (1) appended when adding to a new host in existing...
all my existing host had the same datastore name "NFS" and my new host that was added the same share showed up as "NFS(1)" . I determined after going through each of the existing host and looking at...
View ArticleRe: Esxi 5.1 installed on internal drive ,No RAID
Evening, Welcome to the community. Will vmware work if i installed on Server internal sd card and keep SAS hd unconfigured RAID, even if i have H710 raid controller.->Sure as long as ESXi can...
View ArticleRe: NFS share getting a (1) appended when adding to a new host in existing...
excellent, yes very helpful! I'm glad you are sleeping well tonight, and glad that I can look forward to a "simpler than I imagined" fix when I get to it! ;-)
View Article3PAR Peer Persistence (Metro Storage Cluster) needs reboot ?
Hi there, I installed two StoreServ 7200 with HP this week and Peer Persistence is working but only under certain circumstances : During our tests we’ve been able to make a transparent switchover but...
View ArticlevSan - how many hosts required?
when configuring vSan I see this guide: But I'm not sure what it means. If I want to configure 3 failures tolerated, do I need to have 2*3+1=7 hosts in the vSan cluster? If so - can anyone explain...
View ArticleRe: Update Storage Views fails with popup error
does this help?
View ArticleRe: vSan - how many hosts required?
If I want to configure 3 failures tolerated, do I need to have 2*3+1=7 hosts in the vSan cluster? If so - can anyone explain why, exactly? VSAN is a "RAIN" architecture, which is a redundant array of...
View ArticleRe: Adding datastore errors & disconnects
Hi, Are you trying to add new datastore to ESXi host ? if yes, can you connect to ESXi host using vSphere client with account "root" and password. Then trying to add the datastore. If you are trying to...
View ArticleRe: Adding datastore errors & disconnects
Thanks memaad You learn something new everyday. I didn't know I had the capability to start ssh manually & that was the hold up. Once I turned on SSH and performed fdisk , worked like a charm.
View ArticleRe: SIOC depends on Queue dept or Shares
Mr VMware SIOC can be misunderstood and works differently depending on what version you are on. To give you a better understanding, Duncan Epping's website is the best. Please start at this page :-...
View ArticleRe: Storage i/o Control - Error
Evening, When you moved the vm did you upgrade the datastore to vmfs 5? Thanks,J
View ArticleRe: MPIO, ALUA and Vsphere Standard Edition
Evening, I may be way wrong but I believe this is related to functions like VAII. Personally I would go Enterprise... DRS is really your friend. You really want it if you plan on building a cluster....
View ArticleRe: Unable to remove datastore
Hi, If the datastore which you want to remove stores ISO files, one of ISO files might be attached to a VM. Just right click on the VM, click "Edit Settings..." and when you click "CD/DVD drive 1", you...
View ArticleRe: MPIO, ALUA and Vsphere Standard Edition
Take a look at VMware KB: Frequently Asked Questions for vStorage APIs for Array Integration which explains the features that are available with VAAI.ALUA and the integrated MPIO will work...
View ArticleRaw Device Maping Question (Microsoft Clustering Service)
Hi, I have a couple of questions regarding the configuration of RDM Disks for Microsoft Clustering. From what I've read, for VM's to share virtual disks across multiple hosts, an RDM disk has to be...
View ArticleRe: Raw Device Maping Question (Microsoft Clustering Service)
1. If I want to share 2 disks (eg. Quorum + Share), is there a difference between presenting 2 new LUNs to ESX vs presenting 1 larger LUN and then partitioning it in Windows?yes the quorum drive for...
View ArticleRe: Storage i/o Control - Error
Hello Gortee, yes, the Storage was succesfull upgraded to VMFS5.
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