Hi BigBjorn
Your post is almost one year old meanwhile. But I'm interestedwhat you've choosen for you infrastructure, then I'm in the same situation as you was one year before. We've a NetApp FAS3240 Metrocluster and we'll be out of resources in a short time. So, I know the advantages of a NetApp storagesystem together with vmwware. We've configured all VMware datastores as NFS datastores and for some VM's direct attached iSCSI LUN's into the vm (for exchange or mssql for example). We have to plan a replacement/upgrade of this infrastructure now. One way is to continue with NetApp, but I'm also interested in other storage solutions, as they give me an adequate solution.
I think, with the MetroCluster thing, NetApp is the only vendor on market. Or, are there other vendors with the same highavailability feature? Is the HDS HNAS comparable with a NetApp system, if it's used as VMware storage (filebased, not blockbased storage). The backup topic we've addressed at the moment with VSC for a snapshot backup onto the primary system and SnapVault technology to backup the VMware volumes onto a secondary storage system (not VSC backup, crash consistent backup only).
Can you tell me, if you've found "the best" solution for you?