Change SE-Sparse disk size
Hi guys,Iv'e recently read about Storage-Efficient disk (aka SE-Sparse/FLEX-SE) Space Efficient Virtual Disks – In Practice | VMware End-User Computing Blog - VMware Blogs I'm running VSphere 5.1.I was...
View ArticleESXi 5.1 EVA performance
We are having problems with some of our Linux VMs going read only and Windows VMs slowing right down on our P6000 EVA. The problem tends to appear during a backup window, but sometimes during the...
View Articlerename NFS datastore?
I have been asked whether there is any problem/issue with renaming NFS datastores - specifically the situation is that the naming convention these folks used for NetApp volumes/exports has resulted in...
View ArticleRe: rename NFS datastore?
Evening, All storage mounts use a unique identifier uuid. The datastore name you see if a user-friendly name creates for you (as long as you are on 4.0 or higher). So the answer is you can rename...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 EVA performance
Evening, I have been using EVA's with VMware and Linux VM's for a long time and had great success. A few items to consider: - Round Robin is supported on AULA arrays like the P6000 as long as you are...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 EVA performance
With EVA, check if at the moments you are having the problem you are not havind queue full errors on the vmkernel.log, like the ones shown on the KB H:0x0 D:0x28 P:0x0...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 EVA performance
Really good point. One item I did not mention is you really should open a ticket with Vmware and HP to have their experts identify the cause of your storage loss. I would avoid changing advanced...
View ArticleRe: New Datastore not showing the expected amount of storage
I don't know why it worked before... The only way I could now get VMware to show the correct amount of storage was to the LU was no more than (2TB - 512Bytes).
View ArticleTwo vCenters, Same Storage
I'll be migrating my hosts/vms residing in one specific geographic location into a different vcenter soon. Some of the same storage arrays will continue to be used. Is there any issue with having hosts...
View ArticleRe: Two vCenters, Same Storage
Storage is given at host level right? How does it matter if the hosts are in different vcenters? i think only thing that matters is the distance and the latency and things. AFAIK it should not make any...
View ArticleRe: Two vCenters, Same Storage
Thanks Abhilash, That's what I was thinking, but since this is new territory for me, I definitely wanted to ask the community. Thanks for your reply. So, if I have the same datastores attached to...
View ArticleRe: Two vCenters, Same Storage
Yes you could do that. That should work too. Given the fact that all hosts are of same version.
View ArticleUsing SIOC with virtual HBAs / Cisco Fabric Extender
I'm implementing SIOC with virtual HBAs. (In this case virtual HBAs provided by Xsigo / Oracle Fabric Interconnect, but the same question would apply for virtual HBAs provided by Cisco Fabric...
View ArticleRe: Using SIOC with virtual HBAs / Cisco Fabric Extender
As far as SIOC is concerned, Its for managing contention at datastore level. But i have heard that Oracle recommends you to not enable SIOC. Wont OFI device take care of contention? Whats the...
View ArticleRe: Using SIOC with virtual HBAs / Cisco Fabric Extender
You can implement QOS in OFI, however that really addresses a different issue than SIOC is addressing. When you implment QOS in OFI, you are saying "If there is contention between the traffic that is...
View ArticleRe: Using SIOC with virtual HBAs / Cisco Fabric Extender
Thats what even i told. If you have SIOC at host level and still there is contention at Hardware level what are you achieving?. I did not tell you to go with QOS. I was asking you if its possible to...
View ArticleRe: LSI MegaRaid SAS 9240-4i prevents vSphere from booting
I know it's not nice to bump that thread up again, but I received a request from an other user about the issue I head and I cant write back because I don't have enough points. I did not expect that...
View ArticleRe: LSI MegaRaid SAS 9240-4i prevents vSphere from booting
Thanks for posting this, really helpful. I had no idea the 9240 card was not a "true" RAID controller. Makes me wonder what the point of it is. I will be sending my 9240 back to the supplier and will...
View ArticleRe: HDS HUS-VM vs. NetApp 6220
Hi BigBjorn Your post is almost one year old meanwhile. But I'm interestedwhat you've choosen for you infrastructure, then I'm in the same situation as you was one year before. We've a NetApp FAS3240...
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