Although the "mv" command exists in ESXi, you should not use it on VMFS datastores, at least not for large files. What I would do is to:
- shutdown the VM
- unregister it from the inventory
- copy all the small files (except for the .vmdk files) to the new datastore/folder (using either the Datastore Browser or the command line).
- use the vmkfstools command to copy/clone the virtual disk
e.g. vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/<source-ds>/<folder>/<vmname>.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/<target-ds>/<folder>/<vmname>.vmdk
you may optionally append -d thin to the command line in case you want to convert the virtual disk to thin. - register the cloned/copied VM, and select "I moved it" when poweing it on for the first time
- if everything works as expected you may delete the old VM/folder
Btw. you can use the datastore names instead of their UUID.
With the above steps I assume the VM doesn't have active snapshots!?