Still no fix yet
We use Storage DRS in our environment, what I have found is that machines that have changed datastores will show the correct information at that point (but the problem reoccurs as the machine grows again).
For those of you who use PowerCLI here is a handly little script to get all Datastore Size / Free Space and Provisioned Space! This will let you check over provisioning sizes etc fast.
get-datastore | get-view | select -expandproperty summary | select name,@{N="Capacity(GB)";E={[math]::round($_.capacity/1GB,2)}},@{N="FreeSpace(GB)";E={[math]::round($_.freespace/1GB,2)}},@{N="Provisioned(GB)";E={[math]::round(($_.capacity - $_.freespace + $_.uncommitted)/1GB,0)}}