ESX 5.1. I am moving from one SAN to another. I have a Windows file server VM that is attached to datastore "OS" that is 100 GB (for the OS, program installation, etc.) and datastore "Data" which is 500 GB (where the actual file shares data is stored). On the new SAN, I have created new datastores, "New_OS" and "New_Data."
What is the best way to move my data to the new datastores? I know I can use storage VMotion to move the VM, but that will attempt to move both "OS" and "Data" to "New_OS" correct? (Which obviously won't work, since there's not enough space.) I'm thinking I need to remove "Data" from the existing VM, move it to "New_Data" via datastore browser, move the VM using VMotion, then add "New_Data" to it? That seems more complicated than it should be. Am I missing something here?