(i have esxi 5.5 )
Yesterday i got lost connection to Local datastore which set on dell R710 server (RAID5) 4 disks , every disk 4 tb size , and in this datastore i installed FREENAS , and recently the service in freenas start stack (2 times per 1 time per mont and totally 2 times) , i just restart the iscsi service and every thing work again .
yesterday , it happen and i still could enter the freeness but i make some stupid step quickly and at the time that i didn't the DATASTORE of the freeness holder i press at the "add storage" and it make for me a new storage over the exiting one .
important - i didn't write any thing to this new datastore .
i have there few small sql db files (100 mb aprox) found in the freenas datastore .
is there any option to rebuild the partition table which hold the freenas ?