Thanks for advice. Downloading RVTools now....will run.
I am finding another VM with odd folders and files on datastores.
The VM is named "emgr01" and has a disk defined on Datastore01 in a folder named "emgr01_1".
Datastore01 has the "emgr01_1" folder containing the emgr01.vmdk file provisioned for 40GB and in use. This datastore also has a folder named "emgr01" with a 0 byte file named "emgr01_1.vmdk" provisioned for 60GB.
The VM also has a hard disk defined on Datastore02 in a folder named "emgr01". In this folder is a file named "emgr01_1.vmdk" provisioned at 128GB and in use.
This VM has no snapshots under snapshot manager.
I believe it will be safe to delete the 0 byte vmdk file and its folder. I will use RVTools to verify that this is a zombie situation.