there are no more snapshots listed in snapshot manager
Although most of the time this is ok, you should not necessarily rely on this (it's only a text file which contains the snapshot information). Always check the VM's settings to ensure the virtual disk has no snapshot name (i.e. ...-00000x.vmdk). The time shown for the files, is the time when the descriptor .vmdk file (virtual disks consist of two .vmdk files, a header/descriptor files and a data file, but only the name and time stamp of the header file along with the size of the data file is shown in the Datastore Browser) was last modified, so this is ok if it shows the time when you ran the consolidation.
do the attached screen shots suggest it is correct now and would be safe to remove the DISK_1 and add it back in without risk of this happening again?
I'm pretty sure DISK_1 in the VM's settings point to the "Windows Server 2008 R2 Std_1.vmdk" and "Windows Server 2008 R2 Std_1-000001.vmdk" now obsolete and can be deleted. As mentioned earlier, I'd suggest you move this file to a new sub-directory and delete it later if everything runs as expected.