Great write up.... and you're correct with highlighting over the VM to find its offset. But Im not sure what offset 4, 7, etc are.
I have some misaligned luns under offline alignment that have multiple VMDK's and Im guessing since ONE or more of the VMDK's are offset differently then the others, that they have to be done offline.
Here's a snippet from a NetAppp forum I asked the same question in.
1. If you have multiple VMDKs and they are all offset by the same amount then VSC will migrate the VM for you
2. If you have multiple VMDKs with different offsets then you can manually move the VMDKs into the correct datastores created by VSC
3. If you have any VMDKs with Multiple PARTITIONS within a single VMDK that have different offset then you cannot use Optimized LUNs and have to align the VMDK offline with another tool (recommend VMware Convertor)