Re: Volume Free Space
Depending on the storage, you might be able to use the grow feature - check out p.117 of...
View ArticleRe: Volume Free Space
ok cool. I'll check it out.Of course this is a replicated volume, so I would most likely need to stop that, increase both sides then re-establish replication...
View ArticleRe: Volume Free Space
Definitely check your storage vendor's documentation for the procedure. There was some info on the differences in a recent discussion.
View ArticleError on ESX configuration when trying to specify swap file location
I am trying to specify a swap file location with my ESX servers and it worked on one of them but my second one keeps erroring out. I initially specified a location on this box and then turned it off,...
View ArticleJumbo frames, changing MTU size without powering down guest VM
I am trying to disable jumbo frames, specifically change the mtu size to 1500 (down from 9000) in vcenter on a few hosts. Some hosts are running esxi 4.1, others are running esxi 5.0. I am wondering if...
View ArticleRe: Can't create folder on NFS datastore via vCenter, but can on local host?
I know this is an older post, but, I agree. We just experienced the same issue within ESXi 5.0 and took a little while to get solved. Is there any good explanation out that that can explain why vCenter...
View ArticleRe: Jumbo frames, changing MTU size without powering down guest VM
Hi, I would say, it is always good to have host in maintenance mode before making any networking changes. Just move the VM to other available ESXi host and then make changes on required ESXi host. I...
View ArticleRe: QUADStor evaluation thread
Wanted to add that quadstor is now fully open sourced. Good news !
View ArticleMigrating from VMFS3 to VMFS5, converting thin to thick disks
Hello: We are in the process of migrating VM disks from VMFS3 datastores to VMFS5. While migrating, we are attempting to also convert the disks from Thin, to Thick Lazy Zeroed. However, for some...
View ArticleLefthand/HP4330 design question
We have just purchased a Lefthand/HP4330 san, comprised of 6 nodes, with 3 nodes each placed in 2 separate buildings, configured in a stretched metro cluster, so network raid will distribute the data...
View ArticleRAID monitoring/check on ESXI whitebox
Hi. I am building a whitebox system intended to run ESXI 5.1, hosting some application/web servers.I have purchased an IBM M1015, as it seems to be pretty popular for "home-use" ESXI's.I intend to run...
View ArticleRe: Lefthand/HP4330 design question
With a 6 node Lefthand cluster, I'd consider to create multiple LUNs for better load distribution. Each LUN will have a managing controller, and with only a single production LUN you will concentrate...
View ArticleRe: Lefthand/HP4330 design question
Andre, Thank you for your response. Is there documentation somewhere that you know of regarding best practices in carving up a metro cluster lefthand san? So far I haven't found any. When I asked the...
View ArticleRe: Lefthand/HP4330 design question
When I'm back home, I will check whether I can find some documentation about best practices with multi-site configurations which may help answering your question. You may also want to take a look at...
View ArticleNFS Shares no longer work in VMware after Firmware upgrade
I have also posted this question in the EMC/Iomega User group. I am hoping between the two groups I will be able to figure out what is going on. I have a single VMware ESXi 5.0 host. I also have an...
View ArticleRe: Lefthand/HP4330 design question
Hi,it all depends if you are going to configure a proper multi-site storevirtual configuration or you are simply splitting part of the machines at the two different sites. I'm saying this because...
View ArticleRe: NFS Shares no longer work in VMware after Firmware upgrade
Ensure that the entries "NFS Service = Enabled" and "IP allowed" are present in Services settings
View ArticleRe: Lefthand/HP4330 design question
Andre, I'm not sure of the exact distance between the sites but it is short, the two buildings are across a small parking lot fromeach other, short enough to be within the range of the multi-mode fiber...
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